Benefits of Using a Weed Grinder | Tips for a Superb Smoking Experience

If you have not used a weed grinder before, after that you’re missing out on several things. For one, it is affordable. More importantly, ground herbs using these nifty devices is one sure way of raising the overall quality of the smoking experience and attaining a superb high.

What Are Weed Grinders?

Also called herb grinders or even bud grinders, these are small devices used to simplify and speed up the process of grinding cannabis buds with an even consistency. A standard grinder has a round, cylindrical shape with two halves- the top and the bottom. Its interior is composed of sharpened metal teeth designed to shred dried weeds into small bits.

Why Use Weed Grinders?

There are countless reasons you must use a weed grinder, ideally, one that comes with three chambers.

Savings- Ground weed is more potent than using the finger to crush the buds. As a result of, you use less amount of dried herbs to achieve the same level of high. Prolonging the stash is also tantamount to cost saving.

Time- Using the fingers also works. Grinding the natural herbs, though, takes half the time.

Smell & Taste- Ground herbs have better aroma and taste. It can certainly enhance the overall experience.

Potency- You do not lose trichomes that tend to stick to the fingers. Also, ground weed has consistently sized particles and thus has a larger surface. Consequently, the burn is also without canoeing, and the smoke is less harsh too.

Kief- 4-piece grinders can do a marvelous job of collecting kief. These are the bits of trichomes that separate from the rest of the ground weeds. It is the closest you can get to extracting oil without experiencing the process of using solvents.

How To Use A Weed Grinder?

Using one is a no-brainer. It’s so easy to use that there is no excuse for not reaping the benefits of grinding herbs to a regular quality.

Remove the Lid- Put small pieces of dried weeds into the grinding chamber and distribute them consistency. Try to avoid placing the plant substance in the center and on the edges.

Close the Lid and Rotate Between 5 to 10 Times- clockwise or even counterclockwise. With 2-piece grinders, you can tell if the buds are sufficiently cut by the sound of grinding and the resistance to rotation. If using a 4-piece grinder, then continue until the grinding chamber is empty, all the herb failing through into the 2nd chamber.

Collecting Ground Weed Is Easy and Simple- For a 2-piece grinder, remove the lid. For a 3-piece grinder, unscrew the bottom chamber. As for a 4-piece grinder, remove the grinding chamber to choose the ground weed and remove the bottom chamber for the kief.

Where And Which Weed Grinder To Buy?

Buying a weed grinder today is easy, there are a ton of them. It is determining which brand and model that could be more difficult. For starters, some of the best weed grinders out there today. To be honest, these are only the minority as there are quite frankly way too many cost-effective solutions that satisfy your requirements and budget. 

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